Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tower of light (part 1)

Usually lit in plain white, over the last 6 weeks or so, Telstra/Black Mountain Tower has been transitioning between every colour under the sun, and causing me to veer off the road in wonderment more than once! Apparently they are testing out a lighting rig to use on special occasions, but here's hoping the last few weeks can be replicated long term. I have to agree with poster #20 here, when they say, "I love the old space needle, it looks awesome on slightly foggy winter nights."

Please excuse my lack of posting the last few days. I've been drifting in and out of an atrocious cold which I just can't seem to shake, and if I'm not at work, or out (which is infrequent), I'm curled up in bed trying to get some kind of recovery happening!


FSS said...

Cool shots of Mount Telstrayama!! heehee

Fiona said...

Oh man, there's many more where that came from, I went snap happy there lastnight!

BlossomFlowerGirl said...

That is amazing - it's like a ghostly beacon appearing in the night. Any idea how long Telstra will continue to test?